Combi Drill

Combi Drill

The NEW Weaving Combi Drill is a time proven drill given a refresh both aesthetically and operationally. The Combi is available with both our classic 40mm tines or our newly released double disc coulter. Available to be purchased complete with power harrow or separately to fit existing Kuhn or Concept power harrows.

Standard Specification

1500L steel hopper, 3 rows of auto reset tines/2 rows of double disc openers with rubber press wheels at 125mm spacing, hydraulic fan, RDS Art Lite electric metering, two rows of following harrows (Tine Only), road & work lights, tank sieve, tramlining kit, hydraulic depth control.

Includes 1 year warranty

Key Features

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Simple Calibration

Calibration is simple and quick using the single point discharge chute and screw adjustable metering mechanism. The corrosion-proof metering unit is maintenance free and will maintain its accuracy season after season. Complete discharge of the hopper is made quick and easy with the emptying hatch. Calibration and emptying the hopper is fuss free with the rear emptying door and accessible rear platform to gain access to the metering unit.

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Hydraulic Depth Control

Field conditions, seed types and varieties can change and the combi drill working depth can be altered quickly to match by using the hydraulic depth adjustment. The hydraulic rams are extended, and aluminium spacers inserted to set the desired depth.

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Hydraulic Fan Drive

The Combi Drill is fitted with a 4” hydraulic fan drive. This reduces the RPM on the tractor, which in turn reduces fuel costs, gives more flexibility with air flow, and helps prevent wear and tear.

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Large Hopper

The Combi is fitted with a 1,500 litre metal hopper, with integral distribution head. Steps from the rear give access to the platform, which provides good and safe visibility over the hopper. Emptying hatch to the rear of the tank for easy cleaning and maintenance.

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Electric Metering

The Combi Drill is equipped with an electrically controlled Accord metering unit as standard. This guarantees a repeatable metering dose up to 400 kg/ha. Suitable for fine and coarse grains, with no need to replace the metering rollers. On the move seed rate adjustment from the comfort of the tractor cab. Functions include GPS forward speed monitoring, symmetric and asymmetric tramline control, area totals, fan tachometer and low seed level alarm.

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Tine Coulter

40mm auto reset tine coulters. These are spaced at 125mm across 3 rows to aid with trash clearance.

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Double Disc Opener

Our newly designed double disc opener complete with rubber closing press wheel. Depth is adjusted using the indexing depth stop. Coulter pressure can be changed using spring attached handle. Optional rear harrow behind press wheel.

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Choice of Power Harrows

The Weaving Combi Drill is a simple and effective seeding solution offering the flexibility of partnering with either a Weaving power harrow or a Kuhn power harrow. Whether you opt for the value and reliability of a Weaving power harrow or the renowned performance of a Kuhn, the Combi Drill delivers outstanding results in all conditions.

Product Videos


Product Title Prices
TC3000M - Tine
TC4000M - Tine
DC3000M - Disc
DC4000M - Disc
Optional Specification

Select from the options below to add them to the final price

Kuhn HR3004 Power Harrow (3m)

As standard, our combination drills are provided with a Weaving Power Harrow. We also offer the option to provide your combination drill with a New Kuhn Power Harrow. This is the additional charge. Specification: Kuhn HR3004 - Q-Fit Tines, 535mm MaxiPacker Roller, Manual Rear Clodboard, Rigid.

Kuhn HR4004 Power Harrow (4m)

As standard, our combination drills are provided with a Weaving Power Harrow. We also offer the option to provide your combination drill with a New Kuhn Power Harrow. This is the additional charge. Specification: Kuhn HR4004 - Q-Fit Tines, 535mm MaxiPacker Roller, Manual Rear Clodboard, Side Boards, Rigid.

Wheel Eradicator Kit (4 tines)

Wheel eradicator tines to fit power harrow to remove tractor wheelings before the drill. Kit comes with 4 tines as standard.

Auto-Reset Sabre Coulter Upgrade (per metre)

Sprung loaded Sabre Tine legs are retrofittable to our standard coulter which provides more uniform and consistent seed placement due to their rigidity.

Avadex Applicator (240L)

The Stocks Turbo Jet applicator with a capacity of 240 litres are a versatile and accurate 12 volt powered pneumatic applicator to meter and spread most small seeds. This applicator is commonly used to apply avadex or slug pellets with the measured material blown onto the seedbed surface via a separate distribution unit. Applicators can be configured to suit various working widths.

Grain & Fertiliser

A Grain & Fertiliser configuration is available with 2000L hopper split 50/50. Complete with 2 accord style metering units, iSOCAN metering upgrade. Seed & fertiliser mixes into the same airstream and is delivered through the same coulter.

Hydraulic Markers

A serrated cutting disc which marks into the surface of the soil allowing operators to align the centre of the machine at equal and parallel distances from their previous workings.

Double Pre-Emergence Markers

A pair of pre-emergence markers are fitted to specially designed coulter brackets using a serrated cutting disc to leave a visible mark for operators to easily follow for subsequent operations. These are activated automatically by the RDS controller.

Electric Half Shut Off

An electronically controlled actuator shuts off 50% of the distribution head cutting off seed supply to half of the machine width to reduce the amount of seed overlap on headland manoeuvres.

iSOCAN Metering Upgrade

The drill is equipped with an Accord metering unit as standard but can be upgraded to RDS iSOCAN Controls. The benefit of the upgrade is being able to use up to 4 metering units or applicators, enabling dual cropping, fertiliser and Avadex applications. The iSOCAN software also monitors and controls tramlining, hopper level, fan speed alarms, variable rate controls, on the go seed rate adjustment and offers activity data (e.g., area worked and quantities applied). The iSOCAN software is ISOBUS compatible, allowing complete control via ISOBUS with the additional of an ISOBUS ready cable (see optional specification).

iSOBUS Cable

iSOBUS enables standardised communication between your tractor, software and drill through a single ‘plug and play’ terminal. The tractor driver is able to control several functions allowing better yield and precision drilling management from the comfort of the tractor cab using an iSOBUS Ready Cable.

Variable Rate Unlock

This is only available with iSOCAN controls. By purchasing the unlock code, operators are then able to access the variable rate seeding facility on the RDS controller.

 *All prices are subject to VAT and delivery charges may apply

Get In Touch

Please fill out the form and one of our experienced team members will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer to your query.

E F Weaving Limited (Company No. 02889213),
WR11 4TX

+44 1386 49155